Blog Award! (Thank-you Jasmine!)

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

Hello readers!

On June 11 of this year I was nominated for the Outstanding Blogger Award by Jasmine Rose, AKA: Bookworm

(go check her out and give her a follow).

Here are the rules.

  1. Provide the link to the creator’s original post. Outstanding Blogger Award by Colton Beck
  2. Answer the questions provided.
  3. Create 7 unique questions.
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you, can be nominated.
  5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!

These are the questions I was assigned to answer:

1. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I’d change it to what God wanted me to change it to. But for myself, preferably something from the Bible and something that has God’s name in it (for example: Servant of God, Son of God, etc).

2. What is your favorite movie? Not sure. But one of my favorites is The Matrix (the first of the three) because of the symbolism.

3. Who is your No.1 favorite singer? I couldn’t find his name. I don’t know if he is still with the group “I am They” but he is the singer who sings ‘Scars’ by “I am They”.

4. Do you enjoy Ron Paul Curriculum? Yes.

5. Do you prefer reading or writing? I prefer reading.

6. What is your favorite culture? The Biblical Hebraic culture. Unfortunately, it does not exist currently. But someday it will. When God’s Son comes back!

7. What is your favorite flower? I don’t know. I think lots of flowers are very pretty. Some of those being: the Laurel flower, Amaryllis, cherry and apple blossoms, the Crocus, Hydrangea, Snapdragons, Gladioli, Dahlia, the Lotus, Daffodils, the Lilly, and Roses (that’s not my exhaustive list!).

Here are my nominees:

1. Makayla, Yah’s Girl

2. Iman (ManJan), Lone Boy

3. Elisha, Elisha McFarland

4. Rose, Green Mountain Girl Writes

5. The Diplomat, The Diplomat

6. Aidan Beckwith, A Studant’s Perspective

7. The Dreamer, The Works of a Dreamer

8. Indie, Indies Essays

9. Nehemiah Talavera, Nehehemiah’s Essays

10. Samuel, Samuel’s Essays

Here are my questions:

1. Why do you believe what you believe? Is it because it’s your faith, your friends, your parents/ guardians, or is it what some person in authority to believes?

2. What is something you feel you need to grow in?

3. What is your biggest time waster that you just can’t let go of?

4. What is one trouble you have overcome lately? Was it as difficult as you thought it would be and do you wish you had done it sooner?

5. Is Scrpture as true and applicable as it was in Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, and Paul’s time?

6. What is one subject that you wish you had an all-encompassing knowledge about?

7. How do you know when something is truth? Do you test it or do you just read it in the news and force yourself to believe it is truth?

8. Make sure to pingback me or send me a comment to make sure that I get to read your answers!

Some of you (my nominees) have been nominated for various awards. I know that some of these questions are probably a little deeper than you’ve had in the past, but it is these types of questions that help you to grow.

Now, the blog award said that I should nominate 10 people; and so I have. But I want all my readers to answer the questions that I have posted above in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!


16 thoughts on “Blog Award! (Thank-you Jasmine!)”

    1. Hi, A friend told me about you, Indie.
      She said that you have a pen pal thing going on, and I would like to learn more. I clicked your PfP and it said the site was no longer available. Can you by any chance give me the link?


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